Zihang Yu
Warning: this is a demo package for vcovCR.glmerMod, the complete version is on the way.
The goal is to write a function which will provide robust variances for generalized linear mixed models fit using the glmer function in R.
vcovCR.glmerModZY <- function(obj, cluster, type = "classic") {
# put some check here to ensure the input is correct
# If cluster not specified, will be set to attr(obj,"cluster")
# if (is.null(cluster)) {
# cluster <- attr(obj, "cluster")
# }
link <- family(obj)$link
beta <- matrix(fixef(obj), ncol = 1)
np <- length(beta)
gamma <- matrix(unlist(ranef(obj)), ncol = 1)
nq <- length(gamma)
X <- model.matrix(obj,type = "fixed")
Z <- model.matrix(obj, type = "random") # Z matrix for random effects
Y <- obj@resp$y
eta <- predict(obj, type = "link")
ginv_eta <- predict(obj, type = "response")
if (link == "identity"){
delta = diag(nobs(obj)) # diag matrix
deltainv = diag(1/diag(delta))# a more efficient way to get solve(delta)
else if (link == "logit"){
delta <- diag(exp(eta)/(1+exp(eta))^2)
deltainv <- diag(1/diag(delta))
else if (link == "log") {
delta <- diag(exp(eta))
deltainv <- diag(1/diag(delta))
P <- deltainv %*% (Y - ginv_eta) + eta
e <- matrix(P - X %*% beta, ncol = 1)
XtVX <- vcov(obj) # model based variance
#theta <- # This is where the problem is, when you fit different models, this is different
sigma2 <- sigma(obj)^2
lambda <- getME(obj,"Lambda")
R <- lambda %*% t(lambda) * sigma2
G <- ngrps(obj)["fcluster"]
sum <- matrix(0, np, np)
for (g in 1:G){
grp = ctdata$fcluster == g
ng = sum(grp)
# V = Z[grp,]%*%R%*%t(Z[grp,]) + deltainv[grp,grp]%*%Sigma%*%deltainv[grp,grp]
# Vinv = solve(V)
Sigma <- sigma2 * diag(ng)
WB_A <- diag(1/diag(deltainv[grp,grp]%*%Sigma%*%deltainv[grp,grp]))
WB_U <- Z[grp,]
WB_C <- solve(R)
WB_V <- t(Z[grp,])
W <- WoodburyMatrix(A = WB_A, U = WB_U, B = WB_C, V = WB_V)
Vinv <- solve(W)
H = X[grp, ] %*% XtVX %*% t(X[grp, ]) %*% Vinv
Q = t(X[grp, ]) %*% Vinv %*% X[grp, ] %*% XtVX
# if loop, choose A, F and c based on robust variance form specified by the input 'type'
F = diag(ng)
A = diag(np)
sum = sum + A %*% t(X[grp, ]) %*% Vinv %*% t(F) %*% e[grp, ] %*% t(e[grp, ]) %*% F %*% Vinv %*% X[grp, ] %*% A
c = 1
robustVar <- c * XtVX %*% sum %*% XtVX
diag(robustVar) # Return diagonal elements representing the variances
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'clubSandwich':
## method from
## bread.mlm sandwich
## Loading required package: Matrix
# # Import data and fit lmer model, creat factors for clustering
# url <- "" # Use the download link
# temp <- tempfile() # Creates a temporary file which will be deleted later
# download.file(url, temp, mode = "wb") # Download the file in binary mode
# load(temp) # Load the .RData file into your R session
# unlink(temp) # Remove the temporary file immediately after loading
# load(url(""))
ctdata$fcluster = factor(ctdata$hdist)
ctdata$ftime = factor(ctdata$time)
ctdata$clustime = interaction(ctdata$fcluster,ctdata$ftime)
rslt = lmer(ct ~ ftime + treat + (1 | fcluster) + (1 | clustime), data=ctdata)
vcovCR.glmerModZY(rslt, ctdata$fcluster)
## (Intercept) ftime1 ftime2 ftime3 ftime4 treat
## 0.0001379472 0.0002188822 0.0002572821 0.0003607838 0.0003631747 0.0001417230